Tools and Resources
Our commitment to helping to improve the health and well-being of animals includes providing the veterinary professionals, pet owners and producers who care for (and about) them with access to tools and resources designed to help support their efforts and optimize outcomes.
Browse our tools and resources by clicking the arrow next to each header to expand the section.
Since the first edition of the Merck Veterinary Manual* was published in 1955, it has become a trusted reference on animal diseases. Although some of the Merck Veterinary Manual content requires a password to be viewed, other sections – such as the ones written specifically for pet owners – are accessible to everyone.

Visit the website
Your no-cost, one-stop resource for current veterinary information independently authored by unbiased experts from over 20 countries.

Download the app
This free app, for veterinarians, students and other animal health professionals, is an easy-to-use reference featuring the same content as the website.

Read the printed version
Available in seven languages, the current print edition can easily fit in the glove compartment of a mobile veterinary vehicle.
*Content in the Manual reflects medical practice and information in the United States. Readers are advised to also consult local medical sources.
Explore our resources designed to help pet owners manage their animals’ well-being.

Access rebate offers and limited-access content.

Flea & Tick Reminder
Get reminders about your pet’s upcoming flea and tick treatments.

Pet Diabetes Tracker
Track and manage diabetes in your dog or cat.

See potential and historical tick activity in an area of your choice.
BRAVECTO® is a registered trademark of Intervet International B.V., used under license.
Explore our resources designed to help livestock producers manage their herd’s health, well-being and productivity.

Feedlot Diseases Atlas
Navigate a thorough and comprehensive collection of feedlot cattle diseases, from rare conditions to common ailments.

Safe-Guard® Calculator
Take the guesswork out of using fenbendazole to deworm cattle, swine, horses and poultry.
SAFE-GUARD® is a registered trademark of Intervet International B.V., used under license.
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