Enter the NXT era of rabies protection
with Nobivac® NXT
Rabies is a virus typically transmitted through the bite or saliva of an infected animal. This disease affects the brain and nervous system, and is near always fatal. To help protect cats & dogs, and those who care about them, we’re breaking new ground with Nobivac® NXT Canine-3 Rabies and Nobivac® NXT Feline-3 Rabies, the first and only companion animal rabies vaccines built on RNA particle technology.

The first Canadian advancement in rabies vaccine technology in 35 years.

A gentle vaccine that fiercely protects.

Revolutionary RNA particle technology
• Delivers the RNA sequence of a pathogen’s specific gene of interest (GOI) in a targeted way to the dendritic cell
• The GOI is unpackaged and, for a limited time, makes multiple copies of itself
• The copies of the GOI are translated into large amounts of antigen, which stimulates a broad and balanced immune response
Vaccination is an important tool to help support your cats’ and dogs’ well-being. Your veterinarian can recommend a schedule that best suits your pet’s lifestyle to help prevent diseases like rabies. Talk to your veterinarian to find out if Nobivac® vaccines are suitable for your animals.
Veterinarians, always read the product labels to determine whether products are suitable for the animal to be vaccinated. Vaccination may not protect every animal that gets vaccinated.

Through our Afya Program, we have been committed to donating canine rabies vaccines for use in developing countries with limited access to resources and vaccines. We have dedicated our support to the humanitarian efforts of our partners, including Rabies Free Africa and Mission Rabies, and their goal of eliminating canine-mediated rabies.
NOBIVAC® is a registered trademark of Intervet International B.V., used under license.