Find and treat potentially sick animals earlier with SenseHub® Feedlot

Freedom is 24/7 monitoring to help identify animals with potential health issues early

Cattle often hide signs of illness, including bovine respiratory disease (BRD). This can make it very challenging, even for experienced pen riders, to find sick animals. With SenseHub® Feedlot, it has been demonstrated that animals can be pulled and treated more quickly than through traditional visual observation. The illuminating electronic ear tag makes it easy to identify and sort cattle needing attention.

Research2 at an Oklahoma feed yard showed that at closeout, the group of animals under SenseHub® Feedlot displayed a significant reduction in mortality and removals (which was defined as cattle retreated greater than 3 times) compared to the pen rider group.

Closeout health outcomes

reduction in days on feed to first BRD treatment

reduction in pens entered per day

Research Parameters:
2,500 crossbred heifers, 576 avg. lbs. on arrival, 36 pens, 71 heifers per pen

Closeout health outcomes

Days on feed at first BRD treatment

Rectal temperatures at first treatment (°C)

Overall fallout1 (%)







These outcomes led to a significant decrease in cattle falling out of production (due to a combination of mortality and chronic disease) in the SenseHub® Feedlot group, thereby increasing total sellable pounds compared to the pen rider group.

Additionally, the SenseHub® Feedlot system improved cattle monitoring efficiency compared to the pen rider group. These findings demonstrate that SenseHub® Feedlot can provide value to producers engaged in either the backgrounder and/or feedlot stages of beef production.

Getting started with SenseHub® Feedlot

  • One-day installation
  • Integrates with existing processes and major software providers
  • Simple-to-use daily pull list and mobile friendly interface
  • Customizable alerts and on-demand reports
  • Scalable as operation needs expand
  • Access your own data by preferred device as needed
  • Technical support and training for best results

SenseHub® Feedlot gives you multiple points of support, from self-guided tools to dedicated technical assistance, to resolve issues fast and ensure you get the maximum value from your investment.

We know there’s no substitute for a friendly face who’s invested in your success. Our global network of local teams work with you to ensure the success of your monitoring system, from seamless installation to ongoing technical support.

Find more freedom and flexibility through
a deeper connection to your animals

Take the guesswork out of heat detection and make faster breeding decisions with more confidence, instead of using visual observation alone.

SenseHub Dairy logo

Redefine your management and get better insights into your dairy operation.

Seamless monitoring and milking automation for dairy farms.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease in animals. For the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of disease in animals, you should consult your veterinarian. The accuracy of the data collected and presented through this product is not intended to match that of medical devices or scientific measurement devices.

1 “Fallout” is defined as a sum of both mortality and chronic outcomes.

2 Comparison of SenseHub® Feedlot versus conventional human pen-riding methods in a U.S. feedlot: An interim report. 2021. Data on file.

MERCK® is a registered trademark of Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC; SENSEHUB® is a registered trademark of S.C.R. Engineers Ltd.; DATAFLOW™ is a trademark of S.C.R. Engineers Ltd. All trademarks used under license.