Herd of cattles in a farm eating hay in a feedlot
A man holding a tablet with the logo SenseHub Dairy

Redefine Your Farm Management.
Define Your Freedom.

Get better insights into your dairy operation with the features of the SenseHub® Dairy monitoring ecosystem.

The first integrated behaviour monitoring solution for whole-life monitoring, SenseHub® Dairy can alert you to calves, heifers and cows that may need further attention due to the risk of developing potential health issues so you can make informed decisions and help improve health and performance from the start of a cow’s life.

Sensehub EarTag and Collar

Help achieve reproductive efficiency. SenseHub® Dairy helps increase productivity through accurate heat detection.

Visuals representing the sensehub data

Help improve herd health and well-being. The data collected by SenseHub® Dairy helps empower producers to make informed decisions in consultation with their veterinarians.

Phone with a sensehub app

Help improve cow productivity. SenseHub® Dairy empowers dairy producers to get the most from their cows.

With the last SenseHub® Dairy update, the SenseHub® Dairy ecosystem is evolving to deliver even greater automation and insights with the addition of hardware and extended system capabilities.

Incorporating behavior and milk monitoring with smart automation technologies into a modular ecosystem gives the flexibility to effectively monitor your dairy animals across the production cycle.

Phone with a sensehub app

Hear how these producers have been empowered by SenseHub® Dairy

Results may vary. These testimonials are based on the personal experience of the producers being interviewed and may not be representative of all experiences using SenseHub® products.

Find out what’s in SenseHub® Dairy

Preview of the of the SenseHub Dairy brochure
Sensehub visual with a cow and his calf

SenseHub® Dairy gives you multiple points of support, from self-guided tools to dedicated technical assistance, to resolve issues fast and ensure you get the maximum value from your investment.

We know there’s no substitute for a friendly face who’s invested in your success. Our global network of local teams work with you to ensure the success of your monitoring system, from seamless installation to ongoing technical support.

Find more freedom and flexibility through
a deeper connection to your animals

Seamless monitoring and milking automation for dairy farms.

Take the guesswork out of heat detection and make faster breeding decisions with more confidence, instead of using visual observation alone.

Improve your cattle management and labour efficiency. 

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease in animals. For the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of disease in animals, you should consult your veterinarian. The accuracy of the data collected and presented through this product is not intended to match that of medical devices or scientific measurement devices.

MERCK® is a registered trademark of Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC; SENSEHUB® is a registered trademarks of S.C.R. Engineers Ltd.; DATAFLOW™ is a trademark of S.C.R. Engineers Ltd. All trademarks used under license.